November 5, 2010

A sorry case of plagerism

Wow, this is unbelievable.  A writer posts an article with recipes about medieval cooking and a cooking 'magazine' steals it and publishes it in their magazine without letting the author know anything about it.  When the author contacts them about plagiarising her work, they add insult to injury by telling her that anything on the Internet is 'free domain' and they had to edit it so much (i.e. change her medieval spelling) and since they had to edit it so much she should pay them!

Read all about it here:

And see more info at Smart Bitches. They have set up a definition for Judith Griggs (the now famous editor) and it's now the number one link when you google Judith Griggs.  Cool.

Anna Kathryn


Emma Lai said...

Well the magazine stole her work. See the following for copyright myths, which include what's public domain...

Anonymous said...

Good for Smart Bitches! And thank you for this post. It is true that anything you put on the Internet can easily be stolen but ease of theft doesn't excuse the act of plagiarism. Shame on Judith.

JackieW said...

Wow...that hardly seems fair. Boy you can't do anything nowadays that it doesn't impact another person good or bad. Some days you just want to stick your head in the sand..LOL or go live on an island with just your dog.